Monday, November 9, 2009

My new blog

Hello, my name is Seth and this is my first day blogging! I've been wanting a blog for a while, but my mom always said no! Then, Jonathan got a blog, and I just had to have one. So after I completly bombed my last offeratory at church, my mom bribed me. If I played my next piece perfect, I could have a blog. So........ I've been practicing and practicing and finally last night I played the perfect piece! This blog will be about my life and what is going on around me. We are very active in church as my dad is the pastor. I'm sure there will be posts on that too. Oh, and my good friends I'm sure will be on here too! Oh, this is going to be fun!


  1. Well congrats on playing that piece really good, also on starting a blog, cant wait to see what you post next

  2. This is really neat, Seth! Keep up your piano playing!

  3. Congrats on getting your piece played perfect. My 7 and 5 year old started piano lessons today.
    Happy Blogging!

  4. can't wait to read your blog. My daughter plays the piano, and likes it.

  5. Glad you're on here now, cuz! ;)
