Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

What I wrote in Bible class

If you have ever read your Bible, much you know that there was a beautiful angel in Heaven called Lucifer. One day Lucifer decided "I will be as God." Well of course we know nobody can be as God, Not even the highest angels.Well there was and is no sin allowed in Heaven, and so Lucifer became Satan or the Devil. Well as we all know Satan deceived Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden which marks an important time in history called "The fall of man." As we go through the Bible we come to the book of Job. Satan tries to get Job to curse God, and to do that Satan took all of his family,livestock,and even some of his friends. The Bible says that Job through all of this sin with his lips. Job is a man whom we should try to be like.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Awesome Horns!

This set of horns came off the deer I killed last year. It was so fun! If you have never been hunting I highly recommend it. I have also killed another deer but unfortunately it was a doe and so there were no horns to mount. I have this set of horns hanging on my wall in my bedroom right above my bed.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

My Little/Big Sister

Tommorow my sister will be 1 whole year old! You should see her fat feet. She's so cute. When we're praying over our food and say "In Jesus Name"then she'll say "Amen". Her favorite words are go-go-go-go and by-by. Her favorite things are[of course]are milk,a passy,her little rocking chair,and the piano.

Monday, November 9, 2009

My new blog

Hello, my name is Seth and this is my first day blogging! I've been wanting a blog for a while, but my mom always said no! Then, Jonathan got a blog, and I just had to have one. So after I completly bombed my last offeratory at church, my mom bribed me. If I played my next piece perfect, I could have a blog. So........ I've been practicing and practicing and finally last night I played the perfect piece! This blog will be about my life and what is going on around me. We are very active in church as my dad is the pastor. I'm sure there will be posts on that too. Oh, and my good friends I'm sure will be on here too! Oh, this is going to be fun!